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Main research topics

Main research topics

  1. Aquatic ecology and quality of running waters.
  2. Behaviour and biology of organisms considered against the background of the environment.
  3. Biodiversity: factors supporting, protection.
  4. Bioindication of pollutants in southern Poland.
  5. Biological aspect of sewage treatment.
  6. Biology of social insects and their parasites.
  7. Bird fauna: distribution and numbers.
  8. Development of thermoregulation in rodents and game birds.
  9. Ecology of predatory mammals, and ungulates.
  10. Ecotoxicology of invertebrates and vertebrates.
  11. Energetics of growth and reproduction.
  12. Evolution of life strategies.
  13. Evolutionary ecology of microorganisms.
  14. Evolutionary foundations of population and ecosystem ecology.
  15. Genetic background of adaptations.
  16. Geographical variability of metabolism.
  17. Information, communication, and education concerning environmental issues.
  18. Molecular ecology.
  19. Mycorrhiza, interactions between plants and microorganisms.
  20. Olfactory and acoustic communication in mammals.
  21. Organic matter decomposition processes in ecosystems considering the impact of industrial pollutants.
  22. Physiological and bioenergetic limits in functioning of homoiothermic organisms under extreme conditions.
  23. Soil ecology.
  24. Taxonomy, ecology, and biology of algae, ciliates and aquatic insects.