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Wybrane publikacje

  • Nowicki P, Deoniziak K, Dziekańska I, Kostro-Ambroziak A, Plazio E, Rutkowski R, Sielezniew M (2019) What keeps ‘living dead’ alive: demography of a small and isolated population of Maculinea (= Phengaris) alcon. J Insect Conserv DOI: 10.1007/s10841-018-0078-4
  • Filipiak M (2018) Nutrient dynamics in decomposing dead wood in the context of wood eater requirements: the ecological stoichiometry of saproxylophagous insects. In: Ulyshen M (ed) Saproxylic insects. Zool Monogr  1:429-469
  • Filipiak M (2018) A better understanding of bee nutritional ecology is needed to optimize conservation strategies for wild bees – the application of ecological stoichiometry. Insects 9(3)
  • Kuszewska K, Miler K, Woyciechowski M (2018) Honeybee rebel workers invest less in risky foraging than normal workers. Sci Rep-UK 8:9459
  • Kuszewska K, Miler K, Rojek W, Ostap‐Chęć M, Woyciechowski M (2018) Rebel honeybee workers have a tendency to become intraspecific reproductive parasites. Ecol Evol 2018:1-7
  • Kuszewska K, Miler K, Rojek W, Woyciechowski M. (2017). Honeybee workers with higher reproductive potential live longer lives. Exp Gerontol 98:8-12
  • Nowicki P (2017) Survey precision moderates the relationship between population size and stability. Biol Conserv 212: 310-315
  • Kuszewska K, Miler K, Filipiak M, Woyciechowski M  (2016)  Sedentary antlion larvae (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) use vibrational cues to modify their foraging strategies. Anim Cogn 19:1037-1041
  • Kalarus K, Nowicki P (2015) How do landscape structure, management and habitat quality drive the colonization of habitat patches by the Dryad butterfly (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) in fragmented grassland? PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138557
  • Nowicki P, Vrabec V, Binzenhöfer B, Feil J, Zakšek B, Hovestadt T, Settele J (2014) Butterfly dispersal in inhospitable matrix: rare, risky, but long-distance. Landscape Ecol 29: 401-412